The ALEPSCoR program is dedicated to the advancement of economic development via scientific and engineering research through a collaborative effort among the State’s research universities. The focus of activities is designed to attract and retain distinguished scientists and researchers for Alabama; to develop new cutting-edge technologies, companies and opportunities; and to stimulate state competitiveness in medicine, biotechnology, engineering, mathematics and other applied sciences.
ALEPSCoR seeks to increase Research and Development (R&D) competitiveness through the development and utilization of science and technology resources residing in Alabama’s major research universities. It strives to achieve its objectives by stimulating sustainable infrastructure improvements at the state and institutional levels that significantly increase the ability of ALEPSCoR researchers to compete for federal and private sector R&D funding, and accelerate the movement of ALEPSCoR researchers and institutions into the mainstream of federal and private sector R&D support
As a member of the EPSCoR program, Alabama receives federal funds to stimulate nationally competitive research and to increase the ability of its scientists to compete successfully for research funds from NSF and other federal agencies. The ALEPSCoR consortium of academic, government, and industrial organizations supports projects that establish an infrastructure within the state capable of developing and sustaining high-quality science and engineering research and education that can potentially contribute to statewide national competitiveness.
Over the long term, ALEPSCoR is enhancing valuable resources that can influence Alabama’s research capacity in the 21st Century. Alabama depends on its colleges and universities to provide the well educated workers that leading companies require if they are to compete in a knowledge-based global economy. A highly educated work force is the most critical factor in attracting and retaining the kind of leading companies that bring 21st century jobs to the state. Increasing Alabama’s scientific and technology research competitiveness is critical for the long term economic health of the state. Specifically, ALEPSCoR makes a difference to Alabama in the following ways: education, outreach, increased diversity, partnerships. infrastructure building, economic benefit/jobs, business opportunities, a system that encourages graduation & self-sustainability ALEPSCoR Improves Education
ALEPSCoR makes a difference through the state’s colleges and universities, their science and engineering faculty, and students. A primary focus of the team is preparing students for careers in fields such as: biotechnology, nanotechnology, biological sciences, engineering, optics and lasers, phase change energy, etc. Through mandates by NSF and other EPSCoR agencies, a portion of the agency investment goes to promote programs for K-12. Citizens of the state benefit by outreach efforts which includes basic community math programs, teacher education opportunities, and development of new science-based curricula. These efforts improve K-12 education without significant investments from the state. ALEPSCoR Encourages Partnerships
ALEPSCoR cooperates with state leaders in government, higher education, and business to establish productive, long-term partnerships between different universities and colleges, K-12 educational institutions, Alabama businesses, and other government agencies. These partnerships are designed to stimulate local action resulting in lasting improvements to the state’s academic research infrastructure and increased national research and development (R&D) competitiveness ALEPSCoR Enhances Infrastructure
Human infrastructure is enriched by opportunities to establish relationships with national laboratories, to use equipment and collaborate with federal researchers, and hiring new faculty in targeted research “growth” areas which enables Alabama to achieve “critical mass” in these high growth research areas. Equipment infrastructure is improved by targeted equipment purchases which enable Alabama researchers to perform research in new cutting- edge technologies. ALEPSCoR Provides Economic Benefits & Jobs
External EPSCoR funded grants support new faculty hires which provide salary for new research assistant professors, post-doctoral research associates, graduate student stipends and tuition, as well as undergraduate student support. These external grant funds provide jobs for hundreds of people in the state, helping to stimulate the state’s economy. By establishing the research infrastructure in the state’s targeted areas, Alabama researchers become competitive in obtaining federal non- EPSCoR grant funding. New external grant funds provide an additional economic benefit to the state by providing support for faculty and graduate students.
ALEPSCoR Creates High Tech Business Opportunities ALEPSCoR funded research leads to intellectual property that can serve as a catalyst for the creation of high technology companies in the State. ALEPSCoR funded research has led to numerous patents, licencing agreements, and small business start-ups. These new companies will provide additional long-term jobs for Alabama residents.