Army Young Investigator Program
Program: DEPSCoR,
Deadline: 31 March 2020,
The Army YIP is a prestigious award and supports Strategic Land Power Dominance for the Army of 2030 and beyond which includes seven core technical competencies (computational science, ballistic sciences, materials and manufacturing Sciences, protection sciences, propulsion sciences, network and information sciences, and human sciences) in ten scientific divisions (physical Sciences (chemical, physics, and life); engineering sciences (mechanical, electronics, materials sciences, and earth sciences); and information sciences (computing sciences, mathematical sciences, and network sciences). White papers covering a three-year period and sent to the appropriate technical contact are strongly encouraged to conserve valuable applicant and Government resources. YIP awards will not exceed $120K per year for three years.
Award Name
Year: 0000
Award Number: info
Period: 0/0/0000 – 0/0/0000
Amount: $000,000
Lead PI: Name
Lead Institution: Name