Statewide Partnership Secures $20 Million Grant from NSF EPSCoR

The largest grant funded through the National Science Foundation’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR) is the competitively awarded Research Infrastructure Track-1 award (RII Track-1). The RII Track-1 awards up to $4 million per year for up to five years and requires a collaborative effort from within the EPSCoR state to successfully compete for
these awards. Owing to the efforts of Dr. Gary Zank, the PI for the funded research titled CPU2AL, and the collaborative efforts of ALEPSCoR, the co-principal investigators, and the institutional leads, Alabama is one of five states awarded an RII Track-1 award this coming year.
Read the announcement from NSF EPSCoR regarding the RII Track-1 awards.
Additional information on Dr. Gary Zank and the state-wide, team effort for this award Additional information. on Dr. Gary Zank and the state-wide, team effort for this award.