Dr. Christopher Lawson Named Vice-Chair for the Coalition of EPSCoR States

The EPSCoR/IDeA Foundation/Coalition is an organization that organizes national EPSCoR activities and lobbies on its behalf to the U.S. Congress. The Foundation is the non-lobbying arm, and the Coalition includes lobbying activities. More details are available here.
Dr. Lawson has been on the EPSCoR / IDeA Coalition Board of the Directors since 2010. He has been very active in Coalition activities in support of EPSCoR generally and Alabama EPSCoR specifically.
The previous Vice-Chair, Bill Gern, VP for Research at the University of Wyoming will take over as Chair from Tom McCoy, who is is leaving EPSCoR (he is the new VP for Research at Univ. North Texas).
As Vice Chair of the Coalition, Dr. Lawon will have increased influence and ability to lobby on behalf of Alabama EPSCoR.